Saturday 1 October 2011

No film complete without StoryBoarding

Below is our story board for the opening of our thriller film. Due to technicality needed for some of the drawings some scenes have been skipped.


The first shot in our sequence is a Mid-Shot filmed within a car. The main female character is looking directly at the still camera and speaks, addressing the audience. As it is not quite clear what the female character will say, it is unclear how long this shot may take. But it will approximately be between 20 - 30 seconds.

                                               SCENE TWO

This is the second shot in our opening sequence. As the female character continues to address the audience three close-ups of suspicious objects will be shown suggesting something sinister. The first CU is of bloody tissue and some clothing to suggest a struggle. The shot will last approximately 1 - 2 seconds.


The second close-up will be of a role of duct tape. This clearly indicates that some form of abduction or kidnap has taken place. It also suggests something quite sinister as to why a young female may have duct tape in her car. This shot again will last approximately 1-2 seconds

The third close up will be of a screw driver. We wanted one of the close-ups to be of a possible weapon, to again suggest something sinister and reveal something horrific about the leading female. We chose a screw driver as it was more realistic that a 17 year old girl could get hold of a screw driver as a weapon from a tool box. Again the shot will last approximately 1-2 seconds


The female character continues to talk to the camera using a mid shot. The audience is then made aware that some sort of abduction has taken place as the car begins to violently shake and screams and shouts are heard coming from the back of the car. This shot will last between 15-25 seconds depending on the script.


The following shot is used to unnerve the audience and hook them in. As the girl continues to talk she is interrupted by a knocking on the window. The camera shows someone using a gun to knock on the window and the female character turns her head to look. Although the storyboard doesn't portray this it will be shown as a close-up from a high angle to show that the girl has become extremely vulnerable. The shot will last 5 seconds approx.

The following shot will be shown through the point of view from the mysterious character who knocked on the window. The camera will show him looking into the car, making the female character look very small and vulnerable. Depending on time scale the opening sequence may end here as a cliffhanger, so the audience want to learn who is in the boot, who knocked on the window and what are they doing with the weapon. The shot will last approx 5 seconds

                                                                                SCENE FIVE
The final part of the sequence will be much like the opening of Memento. The scene will play in reverse from the moment the mysterious character knocks on the window. This alerts the audience that they are being taken back through time and will be shown the sequence of events to lead up to this point. Although the story board doesn't show the reverse of the girl talking within the car this will appear in the final project. There will also be a shot of the girl climbing out the car in revers and we will use Match on Action to show her climbing out the car from the inside and then show the action from the outside. In reverse the girl will walk to the back of her car. This shot will last approximately 10-15 seconds as it will be sped up.

The final shot comes from the point of view of the abducted. A match on action will be used before this, showing a mid shot of the female character opening the boot of the car, we will then see the rest of the boot lid opening from the point of view of the character inside, to make the female character look menacing and threatening rather than vulnerable as the audience saw her before in the scene. These two shots will play in reverse but in real time to highlight the action. The shot will end with the scene playing forward again and the main female character closing the lid, plunging the screen into darkness. Hopefully this will hook the audience in as they will want to learn why there is someone in the boot, how did the female character become like this and who was the  mysterious character with the gun. The two shots combined will last approximately 15 seconds.

In total the whole opening sequence will last 1 minute 40 seconds

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